Newsletter - February 2021 GPDC Update
Here is a quick update and progress report from the Global Practice Development Committee (GPDC). While things have been on a 'pause' over the last few months there has been plenty going on in the background.
- Harmonisation Project
- GPDC Remit and Structure
- Trainer Transitions
Harmonisation Project Update
The final feedback from all the regions on the IAP2 Way and the Global Learning Pathway has now been received and is being considered by the International Board. The feedback has largely been positive, and we are very close to moving forward to our next steps. Among the feedback we've received from regions is the need for a progressive roll out. Rather than rolling out all of the courses at once, a staged approach will be used with some flexibility for regions to implement their own timeframes within guidelines.
Watch this space for more information on the pilots and content review process and timelines.
GPDC Remit and Structure
The GPDC has taken the opportunity after many months of work to review our remit and structure. Both are large and are being reviewed in order to streamline and ensure we continue to focus on the right things, and have the right membership and structure to achieve our short- and long-term goals.
Trainer Transitions
Trainer Transitions is the process that existing trainers will complete to be able to deliver the new courses once they are launched. The International Board has consulted with Trainers to review and refine the proposed process which has been refined based on the feedback. A finalized process will be released shortly so that current trainers can begin planning time to learn the new content and prepare for delivery later this year.
Trainer licensing refers to the process we will need to recruit and induct new trainers to the IAP2 faculty. An RFP is being reviewed for a consultant to independently review and build a process that will work for the needs of the different regions and candidates.