The IAP2 Training Harmonisation Journey in 2020
Once upon a time. . . there was an association with brilliant materials to share around the world that needed to be updated and harmonized throughout the organization.
Our quest
To refine our global curriculum to meet member needs, honor decades of learning as well as how our field has evolved, create a tent large enough to welcome professionals and organisations with a variety of P2 interests and backgrounds. A new curriculum will:
meet current challenges for quality P2/engagement (digital expectations and realities; community-led engagement processes; new understanding of need for emphasis on equity and inclusion);
broaden IAP2’s reach and offerings to better address the needs of the marketplace;
ensure our organization remains dynamic; and
provide opportunities for sustainable revenue that will serve as a backbone for other programs in each region.
Here are some highlights of the conversations that we’ve had and how they have influenced where we are:
Our 2020 Deliverables
The consultant team kicked off the project with a thorough review of existing materials and feedback from past participants. At the same time, the Global Practice Development Committee built infrastructure for ongoing engagement with regions, trainers, and other critical friends.
Core competency framework. Thanks to feedback, DEI has been added as a new and separate core competency that is woven throughout the new curriculum. (Click here to read how input was used in the final competency framework.)
Global Learning Pathway. Past training participants asked for choice and flexibility to acknowledge the varied paths that P2 professionals follow. The new pathway is intentional in offering levels of learning and a choice in program areas, so that learning can be tailored to the needs of members. (After the initial consultation, a revised learning pathway is being reviewed by the International Board. (Click here to access earlier versions of the pathway that were used for consultation.)
IAP2 Way. These foundational materials are the essence of who we are and what we stand for. These elements (definitions, foundations, practice framework, profiles of engagement model) complement each other and bring together the best of global practice. We heard loud and clear that our practice is about people, which resulted in the addition of a fourth Foundation that P2/engagement is relationship focused. The IAP2 Way has been reviewed in consultations across the globe, a revised version will be the subject of an upcoming summit of IAP2 board members from each region. (Click here to access the first-round drafts of the IAP2 Way.)
Trainer Transition Process. The International Board has been collaborating with trainers to identify the principles and process for transitioning to the new curriculum. Everyone is committed to developing a process that supports our trainers to be ready and be part of a smooth transition. Trainers have shared the importance of having a streamlined process that sets everyone up for success.
And some bumps we’ve encountered along the way
COVID-19. A global pandemic interrupted our efforts and inspired an immediate pivot to digital delivery as regions have refocused their energies on crisis management.
IAP2’s evolving governance structure. As an international body undergoing a major shift in governance, there is more work to be done to understand the appropriate level of consistent consultation and inclusion across regions and a decision making process which is both appropriate and responsive.
Consistency and Regional flexibility. We continue to discuss the best ways to maintain flexibility for regional adaptation while maintaining consistency in our materials.
The next steps in our journey
In 2021, we look forward to:
Signing off on the IAP2 Way and the Global Learning Pathway
Developing and piloting new programs,
Transitioning current trainers to delivery of the new materials,
Developing a process to license new trainers, and
Collaborating with regions on the roll out of the new curriculum
How are we doing?
As we prepare for 2021, we are reflecting on our engagement efforts throughout the year. (We have summarized our efforts above and in more detail here.) In the spirit of continuous improvement, we’d like to ask you how we can do better. Please take a few moments to respond to this survey to help shape our efforts in the New Year.