Newsletter - January 2021 GPDC Update - Happy New Year!
2020 Engagement Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who responded to our 2020 year in review survey. We received 17 responses to our survey with equal representation from Australasia, Canada, and the US. We would love to hear from other regions! Click here if you would still like to complete the survey. The key themes you raised are summarized below.
What we heard:
- Email and Let’s Talk are the primary tools respondents use for receiving information.
- The frequency of GPDC communications is just right for most respondents, although some noted that communications from all IAP2 sources combined can be overwhelming.
- Content could be easier to navigate on Let’s Talk, perhaps in a newsletter format, so people can easily find the latest updates.
- There is a continued desire for updates on and summaries of past engagement including how input was used.
- There is a need for an updated project schedule and an indication of where we are in the harmonisation process.
- Respondents appreciate the opportunities to talk in real time and to participate in focus groups.
Based on this information, we commit to:
- Continuing the current monthly frequency of GPDC updates, with occasional extra communication when necessary. We will be conscious of the need to be timely and relevant so as not to contribute to information overload.
- Flagging GPDC updates as GPDC Newsletter to make them easier to find on Let’s Talk.
- Providing an updated project schedule (see below for the first installment).
- Watching for opportunities to join together in real time for project information and focus groups.
Harmonisation Project Update and Schedule
The IAP2 Way and Global Learning Pathway recommendations are currently with the International Board for vetting with the Regional Boards and approval. This is a complex process with many stakeholders around the world. The International Board will have an update on any additional approval processes and timing in February.
Once the IAP2 Way and Global Learning Pathway are approved, we will provide the finalized materials, including an engagement summary, on Let’s Talk. At that time, GPDC will be able to update the overall project schedule and timelines. As next steps, the project consultants will use the final IAP2 Way and Global Learning Pathway to develop the detailed curriculum.